

A collection of 21 articles
Which payment methods do you offer?
With Parkster you have the opportunity to choose between several different payment methods depending on what suits you best. If you have an account with Parkster, you will be charged monthly for the total amount you parked for during the month. If you prefer to pay at each parking opportunity, you can do this by using express parking - without creating an account. Payment methods with a Parkster account Paper Invoice - The invoice is created and sent out on the 16th of each month and should reach your address within a week. An invoice fee of 29 SEK will be added. E-invoice - Apply for the payment method via your bank. Read more here. Email Invoice - The invoice is created and sent out on the 16th of each month to your registered email address. Card Payment - (VISA, Mastercard, VISA Electron, Maestro). The payment is automatically debited from your account on the 17th of each month. The day before, you will receive an email with a summary of the parking sessions you will be charged for. The default payment method for a newly created Parkster account is a paper invoice. You can update your payment method and change your details at any time by logging in to My Pages. In the app, you will find My Pages in the menu.   Payment methods without a Parkster account Swish - You pay for each parking session. Currently, this can only be used for express parking. Apple Pay/Google Pay - You pay for each parking session. Currently, this can only be used for express parking. Card Payment - VISA, Mastercard, VISA Electron, Maestro). The payment is debited from your account after you have ended your parking.
How do I add Circle K Business Card as a payment method?
To pay for your parking tickets with your Circle K Business Card, you need to have an At work account. You can read about how to activate the service here. Afterwards, you can choose your fuel card as the payment method via the app or through My Pages on the website.  Update payment method via the app 1. Go to More and then At work 2. Click on Change payment method and then select Circle K Business Card 3. Follow the instructions and register your Circle K Business Card 4. Your Circle K Business Card is now registered, and you can charge the card for ticket purchases Update payment method via My Pages 1. Go to Settings and then At work 2. Scroll to Payment method and then select Circle K Business Card 3. Follow the instructions and register your Circle K Business Card 4. Your Circle K Business Card is now registered, and you can charge the card for ticket purchases
Why was I not charged this month?
In order to spare you as a customer from handling small payments, we postpone the invoicing until your costs exceed 25 SEK, but at the latest we wait for 3 months. Deferred invoicing means that you may be invoiced for several parking sessions at a later date. If you have an email address registered on your account, you will receive an email about your deferred invoicing. As a new customer, we will send your first invoice the next time the 16th occurs, regardless of the amount. If you have purchased parking tickets through your At work account you will, however, be invoiced for these since the At work account is invoiced every month regardless of the amount.
Why have I received a reminder invoice?
An overdue invoice with an associated fee will be automatically sent five days after the due date if we still have not received any payment from you. You can always check the status of all your invoices if you are unsure whether you have paid. For information on how to do this, you can click here.  If you believe that something has gone wrong with your invoice, it's always good to contact us so we can take a closer look at what may have happened. You can reach us at 0775 - 33 30 30 or at kundtjanst@parkster.se   
My card is not being charged, why?
Make sure you have activated your card for online purchases, connected it via My Pages, and have funds on the card on the 17th. If you have done all that, there should be no problems. Beyond that, we at Parkster do not have the authority to troubleshoot your charges. However, your bank can do that, so ask them for assistance.
How does it work with an e-mail invoice?
Would you like to receive your invoice digitally via email? Update your payment method on My Pages or through the app under My Pages in the menu. We collect your parking fees on an invoice and send it via email to the address you have provided on your account. You will receive your invoice on the 16th of each month.  If you can't find the email in your inbox, please check your spam folder 🗑️ Please note that the invoice is sent from our invoice partner Billogram and not from Parkster.  
Where can I find my invoices?
You can always find all your invoices via My Pages. There you can, among other things, check the status of your invoices if you are unsure whether you have paid it or not. View your invoices in the app 1. Click on More in the menu at the bottom right 2. Click on My Pages -> Manage your account 3. Then click on the menu and select Invoices 4. You now have a view of all your invoices. If you have email or mail invoices as a payment method you can click on the green button 'View invoice' to access your invoice. At the same row, you can also see the status of the invoice whether it is Paid or Unpaid. If you have card payment as a payment method you can click on the green button 'Get receipt' to access the charge. View your invoices via our website 1. Click on Sign in in the upper right corner 2. Log in with email/mobile number and your password 3. Then click on the menu and select Invoices 4. You now have a view of all your invoices.  If you have email or mail invoices as a payment method, you can click on the green button 'View invoice' to access your invoice. At the same row, you can also see the status of the invoice whether it is Paid or Unpaid. If you have card payment as a payment method you can click on the green button 'Get receipt' to access the charge.
Why have I received a collection notice?
If the invoice has passed its due date, we will send out two reminders. If payment continues to be outstanding, the next step is for the invoice to be forwarded to debt collection. In connection to this, a debt collection demand is sent out. The debt collection demand should be paid according to the instructions stated on the demand. At Riverty, you can view your debt collection demand. If you believe that the debt collection demand is incorrect, you are warmly welcome to contact us at 0775-33 30 30 and we will assist you further.
Why have I received a värdeavi?
If you have received a value voucher sent to your home, it is because you have made a payment on an already paid invoice or you have made an overpayment. The reason the amount has not been automatically refunded to your account is that our invoicing partner Billogram did not have your account information to process the refund. Information on how and where to redeem your AVI can be found on the payment document. You can always view all your invoices and their status via My Pages under the Invoices tab or through the app under My Pages in the menu. Would you like to have the amount deposited into your account?  To do this, a bank receipt is needed as documentation. This can be a screenshot of the transaction in your online bank (NOTE! a regular account statement is not sufficient). The following information needs to be included in the documentation: * Amount * Payment date * Payment reference/OCR number * Bank giro number * Account number for payment If you have received a value voucher from Parkster/Billogram and wish to have the amount deposited into your account, you can submit your payment documentation via this link.
Does it cost anything to use Parkster?
Parkster gives you the opportunity to choose between parking at no extra cost or with fees for value-added services. If you park via the app without any value-added services and have selected one of our fee-free payment methods, you only pay for the current parking fee. If you use our value-added services, an additional fee will apply for each parking session. These fees are outlined in the agreements you sign separately for the value-added services. Our value-added services Express parking - You pay directly at the time of parking without creating an account. In the service - Designed to assist private customers who want to report expenses to their employer. Corporate account - Receive a consolidated invoice monthly for your company with all parking fees from employees who have parked via the corporate account. Parkster Plus - Smart features for an extra helpful parking app. With paper invoice as a payment method, an invoice fee of 29 SEK will be added. If you park via SMS, an additional fee may apply per parking session.
Do you offer automatic payment service?
Currently, you cannot pay your invoice via automatic payment service. However, we offer automatic card payment, which means you can register your VISA, Mastercard, VISA Electron, or Maestro card as a payment method. We will then automatically charge the total amount for your parking for the period on the 17th of each month. The day before the charge, you will receive a summary of your parkings and the associated amounts. Smooth, right? 😃 You can also choose to pay for each parking occasion using expressparking.
How does e-invoice work?
In order to apply for e-invoice, Parkster must have sent at least one invoice via email or mail to you. The application for e-invoice will take effect for future invoices. You can then add the payment method via your bank. The process varies from bank to bank. The payment method cannot be registered via My Pages or selected during registration in the app. Add e-invoice for Parkster (general description) 1. Log in to your online bank and go to the tab for adding e-invoice. The location/visibility of this option varies between different banks. It may also be necessary to log in via a webpage rather than through an app. 2. Enter/search for: Parkster/Billogram. 3. You will be redirected to a page at Billogram (Parkster's invoice partner). 4. Enter the customer number and OCR number from a previously issued invoice from Parkster. 5. Click 'Save' to complete the registration. If you happen to enter the wrong customer number or OCR number, you will be notified immediately when trying to save. The customer number and OCR number must match, meaning you cannot enter your own customer number and an OCR number for another customer's invoice.
I do not have a Swedish bank account, how do I pay?
Then you need to choose card payment as the payment method and connect a payment card to your account before you start parking. To change your payment method, log in to My Pages. In the app, you can access My Pages through the menu.  You can also park via expressparking. Have you already completed a parking session and received an invoice? Please contact us and we will assist you further.
How do I pay with Swish?
To pay for your parking ticket with Swish, you can initiate a expressparking. If you already have an account with Parkster and are logged into the app, you will need to log out first. How do I start an express parking with Swish? 1. Open the Parkster app 2. Choose the country where you want to park (Sweden, Germany, or Austria) -> Get started 3. Enter the zone code or choose a zone near your current location 4. Select the duration of your parking using the slider 5. Click on the 'Add vehicle and park' button 6. Choose payment -> Choose Swish as a payment method 7. Select a vehicle or add a new one 8. Follow the steps for your chosen payment method 9. Your parking has started and your active parking can be found under 'Tickets' When you start an express parking, we reserve the amount based on the chosen stop time. When the ticket is stopped, the payment is processed immediately. If the ticket is stopped before the automatic stop time is reached, the new amount is charged and any excess amount is refunded immediately. Currently, you cannot use Swish as a payment method if you park via a Parkster account.
Can I pay with Paypal?
No, as for now you can not pay your invoice via Paypal in Sweden.
Can I choose different payment methods for the Family Account and my Personal Account?
Absolutely! You choose the payment method by logging in to My Pages. Or through the app under My Pages in the menu. Then click on 'Manage your account'. In the menu, select 'Settings' for either your family account or personal account. Once you have chosen which account you want to administer, you can then choose the payment method for the selected account.
Can I choose different payment methods for my personal account and my 'At work' account?
Absolutely! You choose the payment method by logging in to My Pages. Or through the app under My Pages in the menu. Then click on 'Manage your account'. In the menu, you then select Settings for either your At work or personal account. Here you can choose the payment method for the selected account.        
Can I receive my invoice via Kivra?
Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. You can choose and update your payment method at any time via My Pages or in the app under My Pages in the menu.
I have a Samsung and I am experiencing problems with paying the invoice, what should I do?
If you have a Samsung and are using Samsung Internet (the default browser on Samsung phones) and are having trouble paying the invoice from Parkster, it may be due to the browser. Adjust the settings 1. Open Samsung Internet 2. Go to 'Settings' --> 'Useful features' 3. Enable 'Open links in other apps' Once the change is made, it should work perfectly to pay the invoice from Parkster.
How do I register my debit/credit card as a payment method?
The deduction is made automatically from your account on the 17th of each month. The day before, you will receive an email with a summary of the parking fees you will be charged for. Approved payment cards are: VISA, Mastercard, VISA Electron and Maestro. If you wish to add your credit card as a payment method, please follow the steps below: 1. Log in to My Pages and go to 'Payment Method' which is located on the homepage a bit further down. 2. Check the box next to 'Debit or credit card'. 3. Click on 'Save choice of payment method' to confirm. 4. An information box will appear. Click on "To Billwerk+'. 5. Enter card details and then click 'Save'. 6. A verification/signing page through the card issuer will appear. Here, verification is done, for example, through BankID or via another method provided by the bank/card issuer. 7. After signing, the registration of the credit card is completed.  Under 'Payment Methods', the registered credit card (limited card number) and its expiration date are displayed. Here, you can also choose to update the credit card by clicking on 'Change credit card'. This is done through the same process as above. If an incorrect card number or an unsupported card is entered, an error message will appear.
What are the rules for card debit?
Terms for Card debit * We offer payment with VISA, Mastercard, VISA Electron, and Maestro. * Orders are created on the 16th of each month. * The invoice period is from the 16th to the 15th. * An email about the upcoming card debit is sent on the 16th to your specified email address. This email contains a summary of the period's fees. * There are a total of 3 billing attempts, occurring on the 17th, 18th, and 28th. * One month before the account or credit card expires, an email is sent with information and a request to update the account or credit card. Deferred Invoicing/Billing Deferred invoicing/billing means that you can be invoiced/billed for multiple invoice periods at a later date. An invoice period is from the 16th to the 15th. If the total amount to be invoiced is less than 25 SEK, the invoicing is deferred to the following month. However, invoicing occurs at least once per quarter. If you are a new customer, invoicing always occurs the following month. If you have an email address registered on your account, an email with information about the deferred invoicing will be sent. Deferred invoicing/billing applies only to Personal accounts and Family accounts. Failed Billing If we are unable to debit the specified payment card in any of the three attempts made, a paper invoice will be sent. The same conditions as for a paper invoice apply (an invoice fee of 29 SEK will be added).